Category: Nostalgia

by Norman Robinson | October 31, 2020

One of the funniest reruns back in the 70s was "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein." It was a fun and very campy horror comedy that pits a vaudevillian comedic duo against the classic Victorian monsters we all know and love. It was also during the 70s, that...

by Peter Daddone | October 29, 2020

Wow!  Twitter was ACTIVE last week.  Three tweets may impact the comic collective (well, two, and the third was just tooooo cute to pass up)! CGC made a huge announcement and it may rock our world! CGC Announces Sports Card Grading Team

by dgagnon | October 28, 2020

We all have them.  Those comic book series that seemed like a good idea at the time but are now merely taking up space on a shelf.  eBay will laugh at you if you try to recoup your cover price there.  Should you leave them in that...

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | October 24, 2020

Not too long ago I shared my thoughts on Netflix’s new High Score, a limited, six-episode series that delved into the rich history of video games through the last several decades of the 20th century. Now I'm tackling the CBS All Access' Console Wars. High Score VS Console Wars As...

by Norman Robinson | October 23, 2020

Nova has had a lot of media attention due to three event possibilities. Has this book gotten too expensive? Is there still an opportunity to fly high with the first comic book profits? What grades are the best to invest in? The character was part of the...

by Joseph Overaitis | October 19, 2020

Mention FOOM to most comic book buyers and the first thing they think of is Fin Fang Foom, a dragon appearing alien from Marvel Comics.  If that is what you thought then you too may be missing out on what others know. A New Source for...

by dgagnon | October 13, 2020

Speculators, now that Kang has been confirmed as the villain in the upcoming Ant-Man / Wasp movie, it is far too late to snatch up his key issues as bargains.  However, a villain is only as good as his backstory.  Kang's backstory revolves around his doomed love...

by Christian Boggs | October 9, 2020

If there is one series with as die-hard a fanbase as G.I. Joe, I have not heard of it. But when Marvel took it to a new level with a comic based on the show, it was very well received. In fact, the show, toy line,...

by Norman Robinson | September 25, 2020

These days everybody is downloading apps and searching for the hot-keys, or even future-keys. Where does that leave the non-key comic books? Are they only for collectors and completists to acquire? Do they have value? Is there a trick to sifting through the haystack of non-keys to...

by Peter Carriveau | September 22, 2020

[caption id="attachment_37123" align="alignleft" width="300"] A Sega Genesis[/caption] The Sega Genesis was always the edgier little brother of the more popular Super Nintendo. The Genesis wasn't afraid to push the boundaries of allowable content on consoles in the early Nineties. This is best exemplified by the...