It is almost as if the story drifted from the farthest reaches of habitable space and landed in the thoughts of a few brilliant creators. And now, like wind carries a seed, that story blew upon my desk and farther still to where it meets your eyes now.

The story is called ARKS, and it is the latest groundbreaking science-FACTion series you may not have even heard of yet.

The Issue being dropped RIGHT NOW is #5. And it's on it's way towards a successful Kickstarter campaign as we read! Which means you have the pleasure of catching up on 4 issues of unique and original content - 10 years in the making - all while deciding how you'd like to pledge towards the next.

Speaking of which, the 48-hour EARLY BIRD special is already underway.

"If you back us at any pledge level in the opening 48 hours you'll get the first panel of Arks Polyptych for free and if we hit some stretch goals you'll get two extra panels! The Arks Polyptych; uncover the secrets of "Arks" and "Arks Proximan" with our limited edition collection of A5 art prints and screen savers. Assemble all 15 panels to unlock the polyptych of intertwining storylines and incredible visuals. With each addition to your collection, you'll draw closer to unraveling the mysteries that lie at the heart of these amazing stories.  (EARLY BIRD ends 6pm Thursday BST. Then it will become an ADD-ON!)

Like I said This EVENT is already LIVE, so without further ado I'll pass the mic over to Holly Cameron, Producer of ARKS.

ARKS so far....

We're trying to start a scientific revolution with a comic book. This is the fifth book into a story that is based on an obscure scientific theory called Directed Panspermia, the odds on favourite to take us extrasolar. There is almost nothing about it in our pop culture because the process it involves is absolutely terrifying!

We are now at the point in the story, where our ARKS, Lilith and Joseph, humans booted on a distant exo by bacteria, are beginning to realise that they have to make a choice - do they save their lives or their souls. Lilith is in a race against time to discover the cause of the oxygen poisoning before it destroys the species. Joseph is mercifully trying to euthanize the transplanted life before the planet becomes an oven.

The twist, non-spoilery, for Issue 5 is a clue sent from a teenage boy who lived long ago is going to play a part in Lilith and Joseph's fate. 

As a penultimate issue goes, this one is absolutely nuts, and has the cliffhanger we made the series for. Will we start a scientific revolution with our comic series?  I guess you'll have to read the books to find out ;-)

You can find multiple levels at which you'd like to back this project through this link here or a few above. The creators of ARKS have also extended a free downloadable copy of Issue #1 on their kickstarter page to get you started on catching up with the voyage.

This project is off to a fine start, and you should get in on the action IMMEDIATELY. Find out much, much more about how to get your seat on the ARK here.